Movement for Change and National Interest Movement forge alliance for Ghana’s political landscape

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Movement for Change and National Interest Movement forge alliance for Ghana's political landscape

The (M4C) has announced a groundbreaking alliance with the National Interest Movement (NIM), aimed at reshaping the political landscape of Ghana. This strategic partnership is set to pave the way for a formidable force in the country's political arena.

In a statement released by M4C, the agreement forming the basis of the alliance with NIM was highlighted. While emphasizing the importance of other entities involved in this alliance, the statement indicated that comprehensive details would be unveiled in a forthcoming press release next week, coinciding with the official launch of the alliance on April 17th.

The premature release of this statement was attributed to external factors that necessitated preemptive action to prevent the distortion of the narrative surrounding the alliance. M4C underscored the significance of thwarting attempts to undermine efforts to establish a credible alternative to the existing political framework. The statement hinted at resistance and sabotage from both internal and external quarters, particularly from the entrenched duopoly, which views emerging candidates as mere figureheads lacking substantial support.

Looking ahead, M4C assured stakeholders of forthcoming details regarding the alliance and a comprehensive list of member entities. The alliance structure is designed to accommodate additional members, with clear guidelines and conditions in place to ensure the integrity and credibility of the coalition.

Notably, the leadership of NIM has been actively engaged in the initiative for months, participating in numerous meetings to solidify the alliance's foundation. With the groundwork laid, M4C plans to extend invitations to associate members and sister organizations, inviting them to join this grand alliance aimed at transforming Ghana's political landscape.

This alliance signals a renewed sense of hope for Ghanaians disillusioned by the lack of credible alternatives in the political sphere. With prominent personalities aligned with the alliance, the focus shifts towards introducing the purpose, objectives, and electoral prospects of the alliance for the upcoming 2024 general elections.

In closing, Dr. Foster, Founder of the National Interest Movement, expressed gratitude for the support and belief in the alliance's potential to offer a viable alternative for Ghana's future. As the alliance takes shape, the rallying cry remains: “Never give up hope” (Nil Despradum) and “The struggle continues until victory is achieved” (La luche continua hasta la victoria).

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