
The Ghanaian Standard is an independent news platform covering breaking news in Ghana. stands as a beacon of independent journalism in Ghana, proudly owned by EnspireFX Websites. Since our inception on November 22, 2019, we have been committed to the mission of disseminating truthful, unbiased news to our readers. Our dedication to this charge has positioned us as a trusted source for Breaking News, Trends, and top Stories in Business, Politics, Lifestyle, Technology, and more from Ghana.


At GhStandard, we aspire to be the preferred source of news and information not only for Ghana but also for Africa and the World. Our vision is to provide a comprehensive view of the local and global landscape, fostering understanding and engagement.


The Ghanaian Standard operates with a unique mission – to mobilize our readers for nation-building, economic and social development, national unity, and integration. We take pride in our role as a catalyst for positive change and progress within our community.


The Ghanaian Standard

Main Output

Our commitment to excellence is reflected in our diverse coverage, gathering news from all regions and districts of Ghana. Through our stories, we aim to promote a viable, united, and cohesive nation, emphasizing narratives that encourage development, integration, and peace.

The Ghanaian Standard is not just a news outlet; we are instrumental in carrying government messages, policies, plans, and programs to the people. We go beyond urban centres, ensuring that the voices of citizens in rural areas are heard, promoting good governance, and reducing urban bias in news reportage.

In addressing matters of great importance, including disasters and health crises like Corona Virus, Glaucoma, Tuberculosis, Malaria, and Buruli Ulcers, The Ghanaian Standard promptly brings them to the attention of the Government for necessary action.

Operating from our offices in Iron City – Amanfrom, in the Ga South municipality of , we extend our reach through a network of writers in many towns and villages, ensuring that we capture the essence of the diverse Ghanaian landscape.

Meet Our Team

Our dedicated team, led by Rev Gyamfi Bediako, includes experienced management staff, journalists, IT professionals, and secretaries. Together, we work tirelessly to deliver news that matters to you. Explore our authors to get to know the individuals behind the stories.

Products and Services

  • Ghana News Bulletin: A daily package of news from across the country, available on
  • Foreign News Bulletin: A compilation of foreign news from reputable sources such as , Xinhua, Pan African News Agency, DPA, etc.
  • Press Releases: We publish corporate releases for companies, ensuring their messages reach a wide audience.
  • Features: Collaborating with marketers, our writers craft compelling content marketing pieces to promote entities.
  • Obituaries: Our obituaries section respectfully commemorates funerals, providing a platform for remembrance.

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