Here is why a U.S. state supreme court disqualified Donald Trump from presidential primary ballot

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Here is why a U.S. state supreme court disqualified Donald Trump from presidential ballot
Former U.S. President Donald Trump

In a surprising turn of events, the Colorado has disqualified former U.S. President Donald Trump from the state's presidential primary ballot.

The decision, rooted in Section 3 of the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, which bars individuals engaged in “insurrection or rebellion” from holding federal office, opens a new chapter in the legal challenges surrounding Trump's eligibility for the 2024 Republican nomination.

A slim majority of the Colorado determined that Trump's actions on January 6, 2021, during the violent attack on the U.S. Capitol by his supporters constituted insurrection.

The ruling invoked Section 3 of the 14th Amendment, disqualifying him from appearing on the state's ballot.

The case delves into unprecedented legal territory, with Section 3 rarely tested since its passage in the aftermath of the Civil War.

The Colorado Supreme Court's decision is pending review by the U.S. Supreme Court, raising questions about its ultimate fate.

The composition of the U.S. Supreme Court, dominated by a conservative majority that includes three Trump appointees, adds an element of uncertainty to the outcome.

Dissenting justices in the Colorado decision raised concerns about stripping Trump of basic rights without due process.

Trump's Response:

Trump's campaign swiftly labelled the court decision as “undemocratic” and announced intentions to file an appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court. Trump and his allies have consistently criticized disqualification cases as part of a conspiracy by political rivals.

Impact on the Election:

Even if the ruling survives Supreme Court review, its impact on the November may be limited. Colorado, with its strong Democratic leanings, holds only nine electoral votes.

Donald Trump's victory in Colorado is unlikely, and the ruling might have minimal consequences for the overall election outcome.

Multiple states have faced lawsuits aiming to disqualify Trump from the ballot. However, at least seven cases have failed for various reasons, including procedural and jurisdictional grounds.

Courts in Michigan, New Hampshire, and Florida have dismissed similar cases, emphasizing the limitations on courts to unilaterally disqualify candidates.

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