In a heartbreaking turn of events, 22-year-old Darius Appiah, the son of a US-based Ghanaian pastor, has been discovered dead in a Fredericksburg creek. Fredericksburg police confirmed the tragic finding on Saturday afternoon, ending a 10-day search for the missing young man.
Darius Appiah was located around 10:30 a.m. during a search organized by his family and supported by numerous volunteers. The search party scoured the area, eventually finding him in Hazel Run.
An autopsy will be conducted to determine the cause of Appiah’s death, as stated in a news release by the Fredericksburg police. The police department is actively investigating the circumstances surrounding his death.
Virginia State Police had issued a critically missing adult alert for Appiah on January 26, acting on behalf of the Stafford County Sheriff’s Office.
Following the discovery, the Fredericksburg Fire Department, rescue squad, and on-call city police detective, along with the Stafford County Sheriff’s Office, responded to the scene. At approximately 1:50 p.m., Darius Appiah’s lifeless body was recovered from the creek near the intersection of Blue and Grey Parkway and Lafayette Boulevard.
In a statement, the Fredericksburg Police Department extended its condolences to the family and friends of Mr. Appiah, acknowledging their unwavering dedication to finding him since his disappearance. The tragic outcome marks the conclusion of a search that mobilized both authorities and the community.